Health and safety leadership secrets: An interview with Alex Burbidge

Alex was recently interviewed about his career and Pro Safety Management by Richard Collins from the UK’s leading podcast 

If your interested in learning more about why Alex started Pro Safety Management or want to learn his approach then check out this two part podcast.

Use the links below.. enjoy.

Level Up – Part 1’ with Alex Burbidge

Harnessing the power of soft skills, Alex plotted his way to becoming the Group Head of Health & Safety with telecoms giant O2.

In the first of this 2-part series, we tackle how to engage your audience and influence at different levels in an organisation. We chat about the challenges of overcoming different management styles & the importance of adjusting your approach. Alex also shares the criticality of improving your soft skills as your career progresses.

Make sure to listen out for the number 1 skill that Alex says we must have if we are to become successful leaders.

Level Up – Part 2’ with Alex Burbidge

In the second episode of this 2-part series, we look at some strategies you can adopt when approaching the top level of a business.

Ever wondered how to influence people at the top rung of the business ladder? Alex let’s us in on his own experiences and discusses a few unorthodox methods to get positive results.

If you thought Die Hard and Lego had nothing to do with Health and Safety, you are about to be proved wrong!

If you want to know more about how we can help you improve health and safety within your business leave us a comment below or contact us here.


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